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About Me

My name is Amitai and I'm a Threat Researcher at Wiz (a cloud security company), where I investigate cloud threats and work to advance research and detection methodology. My background is in cyber threat intelligence analysis and writing, and I generally enjoy learning new things about science and technology, making diagrams to help me better understand these things (currently using the wonderful Excalidraw to do so), contemplating the philosophy of science (and cyber), reading science fiction and fantasy (or diving into wiki rabbit holes), and marveling at gadgets.


  • (also on Twitter and Mastodon) - an open repository and website set up with the goal of listing all known cloud vulnerabilities and cloud service provider security issues (all the art is made with midjourney).
  • Rhythms of Research - essays on research methodology and the creation process of finished intelligence products (mainly from a cyber threat intel perspective, but I try to generalize).
  • Crying out Cloud - a monthly cloud security news podcast (with Eden Koby Naftali).
  • - a "Harry Potter" themed querying exercise for research training.